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It... is kind of strange to see you hanging there like that
Lifeless, calm and sort of naked
Formerly, you somehow pleased me more
Well, what the heck, no hard feelings, it has happened
And, it's not like I didn't say to you
"Run away as long as you still can"
But it's you who wanted to stay
Didn't want to hear
Didn't want to use your chance
It's too late
It's too late
So, no time to cry.
What has happened, has happened.
It's too late
Nevertheless, this isn't my first time, obviously
It's fresh and exiting everytime anew
To dismember something
To take apart
First, remove the head
All that blood
But necessary
Nobody said a slaughter feast* like that
Would be something aesthetic
A job is a job
Skin Flesh Blood Sweat
Begin with slowly removing the skin
Raw flesh, the muscles lie...
Skin Flesh Blood Sweat
Begin with slowly removing the skin
Raw flesh, the muscles lie
Beneath, twitching and normal
I have never seen you like this before
Formerly you somehow...
Let's drop that
It's pointless
Skin Flesh Blood Sweat
Begin with slowly removing the skin
Raw flesh, the muscles lie...
Skin Flesh Blood Sweat
Begin with slowly removing the skin
Raw flesh, the muscles lie
Beneath twitching and normal
That's the way it is
I'm your murderer, you are my meat
I am a rancher and you are a cow
Oh Elise, you were the best cow in my stable
I'm your murderer, you are my meat
I am a rancher and you are a cow.